Conference: FOREIGNERS. ENEMIES. HERETICS. Faces of Fear in the History of Eastern Europe.

We kindly invite doctoral students, postdocs, and academic researchers from the fields of history and related disciplines to the international conference ”Foreigners, Enemies, Heretics. Faces of Fear in the History of Eastern Europe“ organized by the Masaryk University Faculty of Arts Department of History. The deadline for submitting an application is 30th June 2023.

2 Jun 2023 Roman Jaroš Dagmar Vysloužilová

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Call for paper

In the 5th century BC, Chinese military general Sun Tzu stated that theonly true enemy is fear. Fear, which mostly originates from worries about unknown and foreign impulses, can have a variety of faces. The individualor collective perception of threat led to the exclusion of certain social, religious, and ethnic groups as the ”source of evil“ during the centuries.

How is the personification of fear created? What forms embodied the image of the enemy in Eastern Europe? Was it always the concrete individual or group of people, or were the abstract forms of evil indeed presented? In what ways were the wars, epidemics, pogroms, and faminesreflected in the perception of fear?

When and where?

The conference will be held in hybrid form on November 1–2, 2023. Thevenue will be in the building of the Masaryk University Department of History, located at Arne Nováka Street 1 in Brno, Czechia. The online participants will attend the meeting via the MS Teams platform.


The conference will be organized trilingually in English, Czech, and Russian. The contribution can also be presented in any other Slavic language. One contribution should not exceed 20 minutes. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.


The applications are requested to be sent by June 30, 2023 (indeed) to the contact address.

Please send a short abstract before the deadline (consisting of no more than150 words) in the language of presentation, the title of the contribution, your contact information (with the name, degree, affiliation – doctoral students should state the theme of their dissertation), and the supposed form of attendance (in person or online).

The authors of the accepted contributions will be informed by August 31, 2023.

There is no conference contribution fee; however, participants are obliged to pay all the costs of travel, acommodation, and meals on their own. For that reason, participants from abroad are pleased to participate via an online platform.

Publications of papers

Academic papers based upon the presented contributions, consisting of nomore than 15 pages, ought to be submitted by December 31, 2023. In the case of a successful review process, articles will be published in a specialissue of Studia historica Brunensia.

All manuscripts had to follow the guidelines and referencing norms of the journal SHB. The editorial board accepts academic papers in Czech, Slovak, English, Russian, German, and French.

The author guidelines are available at:

Call for paper


doc. PhDr. Pavel Boček, CSc.

  • questions about the organization
  • sending the applications

Editorial board of Studia historica Brunensia

  • questions about the submission of academic paper

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