Departmental library
The Department of History has its own departmental library with a spacious reading room.
A Little History

Since the founding of our faculty and department, the Department of History’s library has been established as a scientific library in order to allow and support the educational and scientific purpose of this field of study.
One of the prerequisites of this type of departmental library is the possibility of direct access to elementary books and sources for pedagogues, students and seminar groups. That is why, thanks to the employees of the Department of History, a library with a reading room was opened in the “SRHS” (Small Room of the Historical Seminar) on the first floor of the building A which was the previous location of our department. Since then it has been popular with students as well as with departmental employees.
Why Do We Have Our Own Library and What Is Special about It?

For instance, because we have plenty of books! About 55 000 of volumes in total. The main difference between the departmental library and the Faculty of Arts’ Central Library lies in a library classification. The standard ways of classification, such as the Universal Decimal Classification, are not suitable for our departmental library.
That is why you can find here special sections with elementary books, continuously added issues of journals and particularly editions of primary sources without which any historical library could not exist.
Open access collection is similarly like primary sources classified according to topics and periods, so each shelf offers the basic overview of available historical literature on given subject.
Location and Equipment of the Library

The dream of many generations of historians came true during the first phase of reconstruction of the Faculty of Arts in 2012-2014 when a brand-new modern library was established on the top floor of the new building B2.
The vast two-floor area with a gallery provides us with a modern circulation desk, a service workplace and spacious reading room offering various types of spaces to study. The air-conditioned library belongs to the most beautiful places at the reconstructed faculty and it offers a lovely view on the courtyard.
The underground depository furnished with compact bookshelves is also an integral part of the library. But most of the books are available in open access collection right in the reading room.
You can use computers, a photocopier, a top-up machine and a drop box to return a book past opening hours. The reading room allows you to connect your mobile devices to the university’s system.
Book Stock, Catalogue and Services

During the reconstruction of the Faculty of Arts in 2011-2013, the temporary seat of the department and library was at Solniční Street. There, thanks to a great deal of effort of our librarian Lenka Jarošová and her team of doctoral students, stock revision and catalogue digitisation were completed.
Catalogue is integrated into faculty’s and university’s library database.
Book stock contains about 55 000 of primary sources editions and secondary sources literature.
Especially during the last decade, a huge attention is drawn to the acquisition of foreign literature.
Holiday operation of the library:
- Monday 10–16
- Tuesday 10–16
- Wednesday 10–16
- Thursday 10–16
- Friday 10–16
Library contacts:
- via e-mail:
- via Facebook messages: