2 Apr (E)migrácia – jednosmerný lístok? Cezhraničné pohyby z a do Československa v komunistickej diktatúre (1948–1960) 2:00 PM
21 Nov 2024 Pozdrav z Mnichova: Barbora Knozová vyjela s programem Erasmus na Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität
17 Nov 2024 Hroby českých zemských patronů: pražská exkurze studentů semináře Svatí a jejich kult ve středověku.
Departmental library “As important as a scalpel for a surgeon is a book for a historian. As important as an electron microscope for a physicist is again a book for a historian.” Prof. Martin Wihoda
STUDENT'S LIFE AT DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY MUNI ARTS There are two associations at the Department of History, one more student and the other doctoral for modern history.
STUDIES AT DEPARTMENT OF THE HISTORY MUNI ARTS The Department of History offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies in history.
STUDIA HISTORICA BRUNENSIA and ČASOPIS MATICE MORAVSKÉ Explore the full texts and contents of new and older issues of our scientific peer reviewed journals with a long tradition!