It is a 5-member organ in which at least one-third of the members are not members of the academic community of the faculty (participating faculties), at least one person is not a member of the academic community of Charles University and at least two-thirds of the members are habilitated. The branch council approves the ISP of individual students, proposes supervisors and consultants, proposes the composition of examination boards for entrance and state final examinations and decides on the annual ISP evaluation (A - fulfils the plan, B - does not fulfil some parts of the plan, C - does not fulfil the plan), to which the doctoral scholarship is linked for full-time students. In the event that the subject board finds that the student is not fulfilling the individual study plan, a decision of the dean is issued to terminate the studies.
What is a doctoral board and what are its tasks?
In accordance with the provisions of section 47, subsection 6 of the Act and the Masaryk University Degree Programme Quality Approval, Management and Evaluation regulation (hereinafter referred to as “Degree Programme Regulations”), a doctoral board responsible for monitoring and evaluating studies as well as providing a guarantee of its continuously high standards is established for each programme. Rules governing board membership, appointment and competencies within the scope of doctoral programme quality assurance processes are set out by Degree Programme Regulations.
Following a recommendation made by the doctoral board, the dean may establish doctoral committees for individual fields of study or for individual specialized study plans. Doctoral committee members and chairpersons are appointed by the dean following recommendations made by the doctoral board. The doctoral committee chairperson must be a member of the doctoral board of a given doctoral degree programme.
The doctoral committee consists of no less than five members, of which no less than three are MU employees and of which at least two are not involved in an employment relationship with MU.
The doctoral committee forms a quorum if a majority of its members are present. The doctoral committee's decisions are based on a two-thirds majority of the present doctoral committee members. Doctoral committee members may vote by post or using an electronic interface. In such cases, a simple majority of all members’ votes is required.
What are the responsibilities of a doctoral board?
- establishing specific requirements associated with full-time and combined study mode of a given doctoral programme and its fields of study, unless established by the programme specification,
- approving the planned research topics of doctoral theses,
- assessing individual candidates’ study plans in terms of compliance with doctoral programme specifications,
- providing the dean with recommendations regarding entrance examination committee members and chairpersons and specifying entrance examination requirements,
- providing the dean with recommendations regarding the appointment or dismissal of supervisors,
- assigning supervisors to candidates while observing the candidate’s right to choose both a supervisor and doctoral thesis topic in accordance with section 62, subsection 1, letters c and f of the Act,
- initiating, discussing and coordinating the programming of lectures, seminars and other study-related matters,
- discussing and assessing – at least once a year – each candidate’s course of studies along with the supervisor, providing a transcript of the matter and filing the transcript among the required documentation in the IS MU; if so requested by the doctoral board, the supervisor shall present additional information on a candidate’s progress,
- providing the dean with suggestions on revoking scholarships in accordance with section 30, subsection 7,
- providing the dean with suggestions on terminating studies in accordance with section 30, subsection 8,
- providing the dean with recommendations on the appointment and dismissal of the chair and members of the doctoral state examination board; the doctoral board's recommendation on the appointment or dismissal of the chair is subsequently submitted by the dean to the Rector,
- providing the dean with recommendations on the appointment and dismissal of the chair, board members and reviewers for a doctoral thesis defence; the doctoral board's recommendation on the appointment or dismissal of the chair is subsequently submitted by the dean to the Rector,
- providing the dean with recommendations regarding dates and deadlines for doctoral state examinations and doctoral thesis defences,
- providing the dean with recommendations regarding doctoral committee establishment and membership.
- In case doctoral committees have been established, the authority to execute some or all of the responsibilities specified under letters c, d, f to h and k to m with respect to a given field may be delegated to these doctoral committees by the dean following a recommendation made by the doctoral board.
Members of the doctoral board for History
Doctoral board or doctoral committee meetings on study-related matters are called by the chairperson as required, but no less than once per year. The outcome of the meeting is recorded and the resulting meeting minutes are filed among the required documentation in the IS MU.
The programme guarantor enters the evaluation of a student by the doctoral board directly in the IS MU application regarding the individual study plan. The evaluation can be delegated to the doctoral committee, in this case the chair of the committee enters the evaluation.

prof. PhDr. Martin Wihoda, Ph.D.
Department vice-head HistÚ FF MU
After his studies at universities in Brno, Würzburg and Marburg, he lectures on the history of Middle Ages at the Department of History at the Masaryk University’s Faculty of Arts. In his research he focuses on the “Westernisation” of the Central Europe in 9–13th century. He is a corresponding member of Monumenta Germaniae Historica in München, a member of a scientific board of a Constitutiones project which is investigated at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and a member of a scientific board of Institute of Saxon History and Ethnography in Dresden.
He is the author of many scientific studies published in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Great Britain and USA. In 2005 he prepared for publishing a monography about the Golden Bull of Sicily, a revised German translation was published in the Böhlau publishing house in 2012. In 2007 he prepared for publishing a critical biography of Moravian margrave Vladislaus Henry, a revised English translation was published in Brill publishing house in 2015 and the second, revised and extended, Czech version was published in 2019. In 2010 he prepared for publishing a book Moravy v době knížecí (906–1197) (Moravia in the Age of Dukes) and in 2015 a book První česká království (The First Kingdoms of Bohemia).
Internal Members

prof. Mgr. Lukáš Fasora, Ph.D.
Vice-dean for research & development FF MU
Pedagogical Activities: History of Czech Lands and Middle Europe 19th and 20th century, History of Town Society, History of Education, History of Public Administration, Didactics of History
Scientific and Research Activities: Civil elites and municipal self-government, History of Universities, History of Secularization, History of Worker´s Movement
- Member of Scientific Councils: Faculty of Arts Charles University Prague; Faculty of Arts University of Ostrava
- Member of Czech-Slovak-German Committee of Historians; Czech-Austrian Committee of Historians
- Member of the Czech Association for Economic and Social History
- Member of the Association for the Study of German History in Czech Lands
- Member of Matice moravská
- Member of the Editorial Board: Historica, Prager WISOHIM, Marginalia Historica

prof. PhDr. Jiří Hanuš, Ph.D.
Vice-rector for personnel and academic affairs MU, professor at Department of History FF MU
Historian employed at the Department of History of the Masaryk University’s Faculty of Arts. His field of research is the history of Christianity, cultural history and history of institutions. He is the author or co-author of books on ecclesiastical history of the 20th century, on universal problems of historiography and on significant personalities of the Czech exile (Rio Preisner). He also pursues the historical essay genre. He is the editor of the Kontexty revue published in Brno.

prof. Mgr. Libor Jan, Ph.D.
professor at Department of History FF MU
He studied history at the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts. As a student of Josef Válka and Jaroslav Mezník, he profiled as an expert on history of Czech High Middle Ages. In 1988–1994 he worked as an editor of newspapers Lidová demokracie. In 1994–1995 he worked in Czech Television in Brno. Since 1995 he is employed as a lecturer at the Department of History of Masaryk University’s Faculty of Arts. He specializes in the history of Czech Middle Ages, primarily in the era of kings from Přemyslid dynasty, in ecclesiastical history and in history of military orders. He is a successful investigator of few projects, a member of editorial boards and other committees of experts. He is also the vice-chair of the editorial board of Časopis Matice Moravské. He wrote and edited many books on history from which he appreciates mostly the book Václav II. Král na stříbrném trůně. Prague 2015 (Wenceslas the Second. The King on a Silver Throne).

prof. PhDr. et Mgr. Tomáš Knoz, Ph.D.
professor (History - General history) Department of History - Faculty of Arts MU
Scientific research focus:
Political history of Early Modern Ages; cultural history of Early Modern Ages; Renaissance and Mannerism architecture and art; Confiscations after White Mountain battle and the beginning of absolutism in Moravia and Central Europe; memory culture of European nobility of Early Modern Ages, history of House of Žerotín and House of Liechtenstein in wide context
Membership in projects
2016-up to now: The Czech-German Commission of Historians, repetitive grant of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (member of the team)
2015-up to now: investigator of the project of GA ČR “Centre for Cross-disciplinary Research into Cultural Phenomena in the Central European History: Image, Communication, Behaviour”. Main investigator.
2010-up to now: the Liechtenstein-Czech Commission of Historians (grant of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic), co-chairman
2005-2011: participated in a research MSM0021622426 The Centre for Studies in Central European History: Sources, Countries, Culture (member of the team).
2001-2003: investigator of a grant GA ČR 404/01/1205 Confiscations after White Mountain Battle
Rector's Awards
2020: The Silver Medal of MU
2007: Rector's Award for Outstanding Creative Activity (for the book Confiscations after White Mountain Battle: The Moravian Story, Central European Connections, General Aspects. Brno 2006).
Membership in scientific board:
2019-up to now: member in scientific board of the Faculty of Art of Charles University Prague
2016-up to now: member in scientific board Moravian library in Brno
2010-up to now: member in scientific board of Faculty of Art University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
2006-up to now: member in scientific board of Faculty of Art of MU
Membership in Academic Senate
2018-up to now: member of Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts MU
2018-2021: vice-chairman of Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts MU
Membership in doctoral boards
2019-up to now: member of a doctoral board for General history at the University of Pardubice
2018-up to now: member of a doctoral board for General history at the Faculty of Arts Charles University Prague (Institute of World History at the Faculty of Arts Charles University Prague)
2000-2004: member of a doctoral board for History of the State and Law at the Faculty of Law MU Brno
2000-up to now: member of a doctoral board for General history at the Faculty of Arts MU Brno
Membership in editorial boards
Časopis Matice moravské (Brno), Český časopis historický (Prague);
Folia Historica Hohemica (Prague), Acta Comeniana (Prague), Opera Historica (České Budějovice), Studia Comeniana et Historica (Uherský Brod)

doc. Mgr. Tomáš Malý, Ph.D.
the department head of the Department of History – Faculty of Arts – Masaryk University in Brno
He studied history and museology at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno. Since 2006 he works at the Department of History there. In his both teaching and scientific activities he deals with the history of religion and culture in the Early Modern Central Europe. He participated in various scientific projects (GACR, ESF) and completed internships in Austria, Germany and Italy. He is the author of books and studies on baroque piety, religious imagination and secularization.

doc. Mgr. Denisa Nečasová, Ph.D.
Department vice-head HistÚ FF MU
Denisa Nečasová graduated in history and philosophy at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University, currently she is employed as a docent at the Department of History at the same institution. She specializes in the contemporary history, cultural history and gender history. She is the author of the monography Buduj vlast – posílíš mír! Ženské hnutí v českých zemích 1945-1955 (Matice moravská 2011) (Build Your Homeland - You Strengthen Peace! The Women’s Movement in the Czech Lands 1945-1955), Nový socialistický člověk. Československo 1948-1956 (Host 2018) (The New Socialist Man. Czechoslovakia 1948-1956), Obrazy nepřítele v Československu 1948-1956 (Lidové noviny 2020) (Images of enemies in Czechoslovakia, 1948-1956) and co-editor of the books Člověk na Moravě ve druhé polovině 20. století (CDK 2011) (A Man in Moravia in the Second Half of the 20th Century) and Svůdnost sociálního experimentu. Nový člověk 20. století (Lidové noviny 2017) (The Seductiveness of Social Experimentation. New Man of the 20the Century). She is a member of editorial boards of journals Dějiny-Teorie-Kritika, Soudobé dějiny, Československá historická ročenka and she is also a member of other committees of experts (Evaluation Panel for Modern History GACR, Scientific collegium of Gender Studies at the Charles University’s Faculty of Arts, Academic Council of the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Czech-Slovak Committee of Historians etc.).
External Members

doc. PhDr. Daniel Drápala, Ph.D.
the department head at the Department of European Ethnology - Faculty of Arts – Masaryk University
He studied ethnology and history at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno, where he became a docent in the field of ethnology in 2017. In 1999–2007 he worked as an ethnographer, later as a deputy director for professional activities in the Wallachian Open Air Museum in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. Since 2007 he is employed at the Department of European Ethnology of the Masaryk University’s Faculty of Arts. In 2008–2014 he was the head of the Czech Ethnological Society. He is a member of several advisory bodies of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic concerning the field of traditional folk culture and cultural heritage and committees of experts of Czech and foreign memory institutions and editorial boards of periodicals focusing on ethnology. In his research he focuses on the study of ethnocultural traditions, the intangible cultural heritage, the local and regional identity, the traditional form of livelihood and the culture change in the Central European rural area in the 20th century, open air museums and the history of the field.

doc. Mgr. Ondřej Jakubec, Ph.D.
Education: Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc (Mgr., 1999, Ph.D., 2002)
Employment: 2002–2004: Faculty of Arts – Palacký University Olomouc – Department of Art History, librarian; 2004–2011: Olomouc Museum of Art, curator, since 2005 the head of the art historical department; since 2008: Faculty of Arts – Masaryk University – Department of Art History (assistant professor, since 2016 docent); since 2015: Faculty of Arts – Palacký University Olomouc – Department of Art History (assistant professor, since 2016 docent)
Specialization: Architecture and visual culture of Early Modern Age, art patronage of that period, the problematics of confessionality of arts in the 16 –17th century, sepulchral culture in the Early Modern Age.
Within his research he gained, besides other things, the Andrew W. Mellon Research Fellowship Programme scholarship at The Warburg Institute, University of London (2004) or Bader scholarship for the research in paintings of 17th century (2005) or he was a Gastwissenschaftler at the Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolffenbüttel (2015, 2017). He is the investigator or co-investigator of many grant projects focused on the visual culture of the Early Modern Age. At present he with the support of The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) guarantees the project “Art History in Moravia: Moravia in the History of Art” (GACR, 20-09541S, 2020–2022). He is the holder of few awards: 1st prize in the Cena Josefa Pekaře (Josef Pekař Award) (2004); Gloria musaealis Award (2011, acquired within the institution Olomouc Museum of Art); Josef Krása Award (2011); Cena města Telče (The Town of Telč Award) (2014); Herbert L. Kessler Award (2018); Gloria musaealis Award (2020); Čestné uznání rektora UP v Olomouci (Honorable mention of the Rector of Palacký University Olomouc) (2020)

doc. PhDr. David Zbíral, Ph.D.
Doc. PhDr. David Zbíral, Ph.D., is employed at the Department for the Study of Religions at the Masaryk University’s Faculty of Arts. In his research he focuses on the nonconformist religious movements in Europe in 12.–14. century and on inquisitional records which he studies from an interdisciplinary perspective based on the borders of history, religious studies, computational modelling and social sciences. He develops this approach as the main investigator of ERC Consolidator Grant “Networks of Dissent: Computational Modelling of Dissident and Inquisitorial Cultures in Medieval Europe” (09/2021-08/2026). He published books Největší hereze: Dualismus, učenecká vyprávění o katarství a budování křesťanské Evropy (The Greatest Heresy: Dualism, Scholarly Narratives about Catharism and the Making of Christian Europe) in 2007 and Pokřtění ohněm: Katarské křesťanství ve světle pramenů (12.–14. století) (Baptized by Fire: Cathar Christianity in the Light of Sources (12th–14th Century)) in 2019 in the Argo publishing house.

prof. PhDr. Jan Holzer, Ph.D.
Professor of political science at the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University. Chairman of the Czech Political Science Association. E.MA National Director (Czech Republic) of Global Campus of Human Rights Europe in Venice.
Author and co-author of thirteen monographies, most recently Czech Security Dilemma. Russia as a Friend or Enemy? (Palgrave Macmillan 2019; with M. Mareš et al.) and Right-Wing Extremism in Putin´s Russia: Legacies, Forms and Threats (Routledge 2018; with M. Mareš and M. Laryš), and a hundred of scientific texts.
He researches the theory of non-democratic regimes and the theory of democratization in the context of post-communist, respectively post-Soviet studies, and modern Czech politics.

Mgr. Milan Řepa, Ph.D.
Director – Brno Branch of Institute of History of the Czech Academy of sciences
He is employed at the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences; since 2014 he leads its branch in Brno. He teaches the history of historiography at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. He researches the history of the “long” 19th century, the theory of historical science and questions of nationalism and patriotism.

PhDr. Jiří Suk, PhD., DSc.
Historian at Institute of Contemporary History in Prague.
PhDr. Jiří Suk, Ph.D., DSc. (1966) is a historian; he is employed at the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague and specializes in selected issues mainly from political, intellectual and cultural history of socialism and postsocialism. He is the author or co-author of few monographies and many studies, essays and editions. Among his main publications belong these books: Labyrintem revoluce. Aktéři, zápletky a křižovatky jedné politické krize 1989/1990 (2003, 2009, 2020) (Through the labyrinth of revolution. The actors, plots and intersections of a political crisis (from November 1989 to June 1990)), Politika jako absurdní drama. Václav Havel v letech 1975–1989 (2013) (Politics as Absurd Drama. Václav Havel in 1975–1989), Veřejné záchodky ze zlata. Konflikt mezi komunistickým utopismem a ekonomickou racionalitou v předsrpnovém Československu (2016) (Public toilets made of gold. Conflict between Communist Utopism and Economic Rationality in Pre-Prison Czechoslovakia), Šťastné zítřky, úzkostné včerejšky. Eseje a jiné texty o kolizích na české cestě ke komunismu (2020) (Bright Tomorrows, Anxious Yesterdays. Essays and Other Texts about Collisions on the Czech Way to Communism) He participated as an author and editor on collective monographies Rozděleni minulostí. Vytváření politických identit v České republice po roce 1989 (2011) (Divided by the Past. The formation of political identities in the Czech Republic after 1989) and Šest kapitol o disentu (2017) (Six Chapters on Dissent). Together with Kristina Andělová he edited an international collection Jednoho dne se v našem zelináři cosi vzbouří. Eseje o Moci bezmocných (2016) (One day, something rages up in our greengrocer. Essays on Power of the Powerless). At present he, as an editor and an author, prepares the publication of a book by two groups of authors about the research and thinking about communism and history of Czech left-wing exile in 1968–1989 in the Czech Republic.

Mgr. et Mgr. Václav Kaška, Ph.D.
Assistant professor at the Department of History FF MU
Václav Kaška is an assistant professor at the Department of History of Masaryk University’s Faculty of Arts and at the Department of History of University of Ostrava’s Faculty of Arts. He focuses on the didactics of history, the history of 20th century and the history of communisms and the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Besides many scientific studies and popular science articles he published the monography Neukáznění a neangažovaní. Disciplinace členů KSČ v letech 1948–1952 (The Undisciplined and the unengaged. Disciplining of members of Communist Party of Czechoslovakia 1948–1952). He worked as an editor in chief of magazines Živá Historie or Tajemství české minulosti and co-authored set of textbooks on history for secondary schools which was published by Didaktis publishing house.