"Čtení Josefa Macůrka"
Conference series

The History of Mentalities and Culture of Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times

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We are creating a platform for international cooperation in scientific research on the history and culture of the region of Central-Eastern Europe.


Our aim is to bring the historical context closer to a broader public in order to foster understanding of today's complicated political reality.


Commemorating the life and work of Masaryk University professor Josef Macůrek.


The continuation of Eastern studies in Brno, personified by academics such as Vladislav Št'astný, Ctibor Nečas and Pavel Boček.

Josef Macůrek (1901–1992)

“There was no national or state formation that developed permanently in complete isolation and only within its borders. The superiority of external forces was more than evident here and there. These have often influenced the internal development of many nations or states and given direction to their inner life or events.”

Josef Macůrek (1901–1992)
Czechoslovak historian, professor at Masaryk University
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