Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History

Basic information

Master’s full-time study of Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History consists of four semesters and concludes with Master’s state exam. It is designated for graduates of Bachelor’s studies of history at the Masaryk University’s Faculty of Arts as well as graduates of history and related subjects from other faculties and universities. Only successful graduates of Bachelor’s studies who meet the entrance requirements can enter this study.

The study is realised based on a study plan with a specialization, or in the form of study plan for a double-subject studies. This study combines the study plan for maior study with a connected minor study plan which is part of another study programme.

Master’s study of Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History cannot be studied as combined studies.

The study programme Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History is substantially aimed at practical training. A pedagogical training is compulsory part of studies. The practical training takes place at secondary schools or in some of the memory institutions like for instance museums or galleries. 

The Master’s state exam consists of three parts: 1. The defence of Master’s diploma thesis (within single-subject study and maior study); 2. The exam from field knowledge and didactics of history (it demonstrates the students' knowledge of the history of Czech lands, Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic and general history and their mutual connections; while didactics of history demonstrates the ability of students to apply field knowledge into pedagogical process in different forms of education); 3. The written exam from pedagogical-psychological courses and school didactics (it covers topics which are studied in these courses: Psychology for Teachers, Basic Course in Education, Theory of Instruction and Special Education & Pedagogical Diagnostics).

The defence of Master’s diploma thesis is part of the state exam. The diploma work proves the ability of the graduates of the Master’s study of the teaching of history to apply not only field but also pedagogical, psychological or didactic knowledge. The themes can be tied to a broad spectrum of themes related to pedagogical theory and practice. The general aim of the work should be the connection of the field and pedagogical knowledge, their theoretical reflexion and possible application in practice.

The courses of pedagogical-psychological basis are realized collectively for the whole faculty. The coursed are provided by the Department of Educational Sciences and the Department of Psychology of Masaryk University’s Faculty of Arts. 

Single-subject study

Within single-subject study, students are obliged to pass the courses of pedagogical-psychological basis (24 credits), courses related to the diploma thesis (16 credits), compulsory field courses including practical training (68 credits) and selective courses related to the students’ academic interest (12 credits).

Current registration template in IS MUNI.

The study plan can be found here.

Double-subject study

The Master’s state exam within the minor study plan consists of an exam from fields knowledge and didactics of history (it demonstrates the students' knowledge of the history of Czech lands, Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic and general history from Middle Ages to present days and their mutual connections; while didactics of history demonstrates the ability of students to apply field knowledge into pedagogical process in different forms of education).

The defence of Master’s diploma thesis is part of the state exam in the maior study plan.

Maior study plan

Current registration template in IS MUNI.

The study plan can be found here.

Minor study plan

Current registration template in IS MUNI.

The study plan can be found here.

Teaching practice

Teaching practice is a compulsory part of the study. Students become familiar with the school environment and activities related to the profession of a teacher. The compulsory practice is set for three semesters - 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semester of the Master's degree. It is obligatory to arrange the teaching practice with the practice manager Mgr. Dorota Egerlová. Students can find detailed information on the Pedagogical Practice website.

Master’s diploma thesis

The thesis is assigned upon the registration of the first Thesis Workshop, which is usually at the beginning of the third semester. The student is entitled to suggest the subject of his/her Master’s thesis based on agreement with one of the authorized teachers.

The minimum length of the Master’s thesis is 140,000 characters. The title page is an obligatory part of the thesis. It contains the names of the university, faculty, department, title of the thesis, type of the thesis (Master’s diploma), names of the author and the supervisor, year of submitting, author’s declaration on the originality of the thesis, contents, list of primary sources and literature and footnotes. Finished diploma thesis has to be submitted till 16 December 2021 (in case of a defence in January), till 15 May 2022 (in case of a defence in June) and till 23 June 2022 (in case of a defence in prolonged exam period of the spring semester). Students are obliged to publish their diploma theses by submitting their electronic versions in the IS MUNI by forementioned dates.

Master’s state exam

Student enrol for the state exam in writing at the department’s secretariat till 16 December 2021 for January term of exams, till 28 April 2022 for June term of exams and till 23 June 2022 for September term of exams.


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